Alsace Wine Fair

Thirty winemakers from the Guebwiller wine region in Alsace (from Thann to Hattstatt) will exclusively offer their vintage of the year for tasting—more than 200 wines are to be tasted (in moderation)! In addition, the fair each year honors another guest wine region—this year, the Italian region of Campania. Originally, the fair was very popular with restaurateurs, allowing professionals to discover vintages of the previous year. Now, the general public has taken over the event and every year, tourists and locals get together on Ascension Day in Guebwiller for an exceptional day out. The Guebwiller Wine Fair is an essential place for wine lovers from Alsace and elsewhere!
In addition to the wine market, you can discover regional products like bread, meat, biscuits, cheese, saffron, etc. There is also the “Marché des papilles” (taste-buds market) where visitors can discover spices, cheeses, mushroom products, jams, honey, and even snails!
A host of events will accompany this special day, including live concerts, walking performances among the crowd, games and workshops for children on the square, and dancing until nightfall.
Entrance is free; a wine-tasting glass costs € 7.
Pl. de l'Hôtel de ville
68500 Guebwiller