Björk — Cornucopia

"Cornucopia" was originally conceived for Björk's latest album "Utopia" and celebrated its world premiere in 2019 as a residency show at New York's "The Shed." The impressive and innovative production received excellent reviews and fascinated the audience. Rolling Stone dubbed the show a "spectacle of cutting-edge sound and image." The new “Cornucopia” show stages the familiar spectacular and is enhanced with music from the recent Grammy-nominated album "Fossora."
“Cornucopia” features animated visuals by artists Tobias Gremmler, Andy Huang, Nick Knight, and M/M; set design by Chiara Stephenson; the flute septet Viibra; as well as clarinetists, a harpist, percussion, electronic elements, and a range of instruments integrated into the innovative surround sound stage design, including a special reverberation chamber.
Tickets are CHF 82.40-192.50.
Hallenstadion Zürich
Wallisellenstrasse 45
8050 Zürich