Children’s Theater — Aschenputtel (Cinderella)

“The good must be put in the dish, the bad you may eat as you wish.” Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, the daughter of a rich merchant grew up in a well-protected environment. Unfortunately, her mother died very early and her father married a widow with two daughters. Shortly afterwards, however, he also died. Her stepmother Berta and her stepsisters Gundula and Walburga make the girl's life difficult in every way imaginable. Because she not only has to do menial dirty work, but also has to sleep in the ashes by the stove, everyone calls her Aschenputttel..
This fairy tale in a version by Jessica Wohlwend will be performed in Swiss dialect and is ideally suited for families with kids from age 4 years.
Tickets are CHF 25 for adults and CHF 20 for kids ages 4-16; discounts with Familienpass.
Basler Kindertheater
Schützengraben 9
4051 Basel
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