
Wednesday, 19 June

For the 41st time, the Chrischonalauf will lead runners over the highest point in the canton of Basel-Stadt—the Chrischona. The 10-km adult run, which will start and finish in the idyllic Wenkenpark in Riehen, for the most part leads over forest paths. There will be six categories for women and six categories for men.
The run starts at 19:00; online registration costs CHF 25 and ends on June 17. You can also late-register on the spot on the day of the race.
The adult run will be preceded by children's and youth races, which contribute to the family atmosphere. They take place in the Wenkenpark and are free of charge. The 400m Bebbi-Lauf (children’s run) starts at 18:00 and the 1-km youth run starts at 18:30.
The event will be accompanied by food, drinks, and grill, starting at 17:00.
Register to participate directly online at


Landschaftspark Wenkenhof
4125 Riehen

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