Comeback Philharmonie der Nationen

This major comeback tour brings together musicians from different nations. The Philharmonie der Nationen orchestra returns triumphantly to the stage and presents a unique tour that brings together musicians from Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Palestine, and other nations.
"Let's make music as friends"—Leonard Bernstein, the great conductor, composer, and human being, coined this phrase as the inspiration and program of the Philharmonie der Nationen. It has been an extraordinary orchestra from the very beginning. Bernstein's hope; Yehudi Menuhin's humanity; Justus Frantz's gift of formulating, realizing, and living visions: these are the inspirations of the Philharmonie der Nationen. It is more than a good orchestra of excellent musicians, and more than a hopeful symbol of a peaceful, uniting turning point between nations. Bernstein encouraged Frantz to found the Philharmonic of Nations because, "It is important that this international orchestra, this symbol of international understanding, comes from Germany." In addition to their artistic collaboration and personal friendship, Bernstein and Frantz were also united by their interest in working with and supporting young, talented musicians. In the Philharmonie der Nationen the unthinkable becomes reality. Free from politically and historically based conflicts, young musicians meet here. They experience and convey that they are creative together, inspire each other, and achieve high artistic goals. And they realize a vision: During the civil war in the former Yugoslavia, the chamber music interludes by musicians from the warring ethnic groups were among the most moving moments of the Philharmonie der Nationen concerts. Youth and internationality—these are the defining characteristics of the Philharmonie der Nationen. This orchestra gives young musicians in particular a chance who would not have the opportunity to turn their exceptional talent and excellent training into a career in their home countries. Youthful, virtuosic, and enthusiastic—this also characterizes the interpretation and sound of the Philharmonie der Nationen.
On this evening, the orchestra under the direction of Justus Frantz will be playing works by Ludwig van Beethoven and Claude Debussy.
Tickets are CHF 60.10-100.50.
Stadtcasino Basel
Konzertgasse 1
4051 Basel
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