Elements of Floyd — Wish You Were Here

Alts Schlachthuus, Laufen
Saturday, 08 February

“Think big”—that is the motto of Elements of Floyd. How else could you do justice to the gigantic sound cosmos of Pink Floyd? Founded 5 years ago, the eight-piece ensemble from the Basel region has played its way into the premier league of Swiss tribute bands. Sublime clouds of sound, cutting rhythms and fragile vocal passages provide goosebumps, while faithful sound effects and synchronized video projections (a round screen in the style of the “Pulse” tour) deliver the perfect Floyd feeling—sometimes powerful, sometimes vulnerable, often magical, and always very close to the original.
Tickets are CHF 30 for adults and CHF 20 for students; standing room only.


Kulturzentrum Alts Schlachthuus,
Seidenweg 55
4242 Laufen

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