European Days of Monuments 2024 — Basel

The Europäische Tage des Denkmals (European Days of Monuments, also called European Heritage Days) are part of an EU-wide initiative that since 1994 has been implemented under various names in many European countries. Held this year on September 7 and 8 in Switzerland, these days are designed to celebrate European heritage by giving everybody an opportunity to visit some of Europe’s beautiful historical monuments. This year's European Heritage Days have the motto "Connected." It's about all kinds of networks that have shaped our cultural heritage and left corresponding architectural traces.
In Basel, the Heritage Day activities will be concentrated on Saturday, September 7. the topic will be interpreted in the usual creative way, with the focus this year on the rural community of Riehen. It has been "connected" with Basel since 1522, and for over 500 years, this constant exchange has provided a fertile breeding ground for the remarkable architectural heritage that Riehen can boast today.
Until the end of the 19th century, Riehen was a tranquil farming and wine-growing village, the character of which can still be seen in a few farmhouses in the village center. The historic country estates that wealthy citizens of Basel had built here—above all, the magnificent Wenkenhof—still set striking accents today. The expansion of Riehen's residential area since the beginning of the 20th century also has produced a considerable number of high-quality buildings. These are often villas or single-family homes, but also apartment buildings and cooperative housing projects. Riehen thus offers a concise overview of the main architectural movements and trends of the 20th century in a very small space—from Art Nouveau and reform architecture to New Building and post-war modernism, complemented by high-quality contemporary buildings.
The compact program offers numerous guided tours and walks to explore Riehen's architectural diversity. Special attention should also be paid to two tours that address the revision of the inventory of buildings worthy of protection in Riehen in 2023/24 with the involvement of the municipality, external experts, and the population. Also on the program are a lunchtime concert with the Kammerorchester Basel in the Dorfkirche St. Martin, vintage trams that offer an authentic tram ride culture between Basel and Riehen, as well as a jazzy journey around the world at the Musikschule Riehen.
In addition, if you don't just want to be in Riehen, you can follow the footsteps of the Huguenots in Basel or attend a concert in the Haus zum Kirschgarten on Sunday, September 8, which is taking place in connection with an SNF research project on the music-loving silk ribbon manufacturer Lukas Sarasin.
Check their website for the detailed program. As in all of Switzerland, the guided tours and events on Monument Day in Basel are free of charge. The number of participants is limited for all guided tours and events, so be sure to register in advance on their website from August 23.