European Days of Monuments 2024 — Switzerland

The Europäische Tage des Denkmals (European Days of Monuments, also called European Heritage Days) are part of an EU-wide initiative that since 1994 has been implemented under various names in many European countries. These days are designed to celebrate European heritage by giving everybody an opportunity to visit some of Europe’s beautiful historical monuments.
This year’s overarching theme in Switzerland is “Vernezt” (connected). The 2024 Heritage Days will explore how networks have shaped trade, religious beliefs, scientific knowledge, technical innovations, cultural and artistic practices, and thus our cultural heritage. Old transport routes, towns or villages, trading posts, post houses, towers, fortifications, and many other elements of our built environment bear witness to this exchange. For thousands of years, people have exchanged goods and passed on knowledge—whether in the production of bronze or in the transport of wine, silk, or linen over bridges and passes in the 17th century. Later, smugglers used the same routes to bring cigarettes or coffee over the mountains.
On this weekend, around 400 free tours, walks, workshops, and discussions throughout Switzerland will show how visible and invisible networks shape our cultural heritage. Visitors are invited to discover the diverse influences of other times and places on our built and intangible cultural heritage. They can follow visible and invisible networks that lead along old paths to historical buildings and infrastructure. They are guided by the question of how we can preserve and shape cultural heritage for the future in an increasingly interconnected world.
To find related events in Baselland or other regions of Switzerland, visit the website and search from a list or a map for events of interest.
All events and activities are free of charge.