Exhibit — Handel & Wandel (Trade & Change)

Brasilea Foundation
Ongoing Event
Sat., 11 November until Mon., 30 June

The BRASILEA Foundation is presenting a fascinating exhibition that focuses on Walter Wüthrich, a Swiss trader in Brazil and founder of BRASILEA, as well as the development of economic relations between Switzerland and Brazil. The exhibition highlights Wüthrich's groundbreaking work in the 1940s, when he worked in Brazil on behalf of Swiss industrial companies. At the same time, it offers an insight into the importance of the Swisscam—Brazil-Switzerland Chamber of Commerce, which was founded in 1945 and promoted economic relations between the two countries.
Today Brazil and Switzerland are important trading partners. Numerous agreements, including a double taxation agreement, underline the importance of this partnership. The exhibition also shows the current economic exchange between the two nations. Visitors have the opportunity to gain a deep insight into the economic relations between Brazil and Switzerland since the 1940s, including the most important companies that have played a crucial role in this historical context as well as the latest developments that reflect the current dynamics of this special partnership.


Brasilea Foundation
Westquaistrasse 39
4019 Basel
