Fremde Kinder (Foreign Children)

Ausstellungsraum Klingental
Ongoing Event
Sun., 09 February until Sun., 09 March

Bound by strong connections formed through friendships, shared learning experiences, and mentorships, the seven artists whose works will be shown in the exhibition “Fremde Kinder” want to work through the process of making the exhibition together—a painting exhibition that would be relevant for them in this context. At the heart of “Fremde Kinder” lies the transformative power of collaboration and the significance of the painting process in each artist’s practice. The artists are eager to learn from one another and inspired by the prospect of creating a show that reflects their collective vision. The exhibition will not only be the outcome of their collaboration but also it will give them the time and the space to work closely together. The emphasis of the show lies not only on showing finished works but also on the collaboration and exchanges that the artists will have. As the process of making the show is the very essence of the exhibition itself, they will start working together early on. Most of the artists are based in Basel, allowing them to create a flexible structure for the show. The curatorial aspect of “Fremde Kinder” is a reflection of the group of artist's commitment to sharing knowledge and insights.


Ausstellungsraum Klingental
Kasernenstrasse 23
4058 Basel
