Gauthier Dance — Dance Company Theaterhaus Stuttgart
Eric Gauthier first danced in the Stuttgart Ballet before realizing that he wanted to start his own small company. He stayed in Stuttgart, did some convincing, overcame a lot of resistance, and was ultimately able to realize his dream. That was 15 years ago, and today “Gauthier Dance” is widely respected in the dance world and adds to Stuttgart’s reputation as a dance metropolis.
For the anniversary “15 Years Alive,” Gauthier has put together a special program. The first part includes four short pieces by various choreographers in a small cast, as well as two dance films by the current choreographer-in-residence, Hofesh Shechter, and the choreographer Marco Goecke. The second part is “Minus 16,” the rousing piece by the Israeli choreography veteran Ohad Naharin from 1999, which is now danced all over the world and in which the dancers are not only challenged in terms of movement but also acoustically.
Tickets are € 35.00-56.00 for adults and € 28.00-44.80 for students.
Burghof Lörrach
Herrenstrasse 5
79539 Lörrach
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