Jugend Zirkus Robiano — Reinach
Primarschule Fiechten, Reinach

19:00 (Mon.) | 14:00 & 19:00 (Tue.)
The Jugend Zirkus Robiano (Youth Circus Robiano) is small, nonprofit circus presented by youths for youths. The artists are about 20 children ages 10-17 who practice all year and go on tour for 2 weeks each fall. They will be performing their new show at various locations in Basel-Stadt and Baselland, including for 2 days in Reinach.
Entrance is free, but donations are welcome. You can reserve tickets directly online up to two hours before the performance. Remaining tickets will be available at the box office one hour before the performance.
Primarschule Fiechten
Fiechtenweg 72
4153 Reinach