“Keschtene- und Eichledaag” (Conker/Acorn Collection Day)

Do your children love to pick up conkers (horse chestnuts, “Kastanien”) in the fall? While they are regrettably inedible to humans, they are great protein- and fat-rich feed for deer and wild boar in winter. On October 5, the Lange Erlen Park will be conducting their 18th annual conker collection day, which this year also includes acorns. From 10:00-12:00 and 13:30-15:30, kids can bring in their bags and boxes of conkers and acorns and will receive CHF 0.20 per kilogram. They will also receive a delicious "Biberli" and a glass of apple cider for their hard work.
Note that while this is a one-day event only, you are always most welcome to drop off conkers and acorns in the collection box near the kiosk of the animal park. In 2022, they collected nearly 7,000 kg of chestnuts!
Tierpark Lange Erlen
Erlenparkweg 110
4058 Basel