Kids’ Theater in Lange Erlen — Räuber Hotzenplotz

Park im Grünen
Mon., 03 July until Sat., 12 August
14:00 | 16:00

For the six weeks of the school holidays, the children’s theater, Theater Arlecchino, is performing the play "Räuber Hotzenplotz" (The Robber Hotzenplotz) at Lange Erlen in the Pavilion in front of the Park Restaurant.
Grandmother gets a coffee mill from Käspi and Seppli for her birthday. But the brazen robber Hotzenplotz steals the mill. To find the robber and the coffee mill, Käspi and Seppli drill a hole in the robber’s treasure chest and fill it with sand, and the leaking sand leads them to the robber's lair. But they are caught by Hotzenplotz, and Käspi, whom Hotzenplotz mistakes for Seppli, is sold to a bad wizard. There, Käspi manages to save the fairy Amaryllis, who has been enchanted as Chrott. The wizard bursts with anger, not without having first transformed the Hotzenplotz into a parrot. As a thank you, Amaryllis gives Käspi a special ring. With its wish magic, Käspi can finally bring the great adventure to a happy ending!
This production will be performed twice daily (14:00 and 16:00) on Monday through Saturday, except on Swiss National Day on August 1. The play will be performed in dialect and will last 55 minutes, without intermission, and you are free to come and go as you please. The spectator area is covered; therefore, shows are not weather-dependent. Lange Erlen can be reached by bus 36 (stop called “Lange Erlen,” but note that only every second bus goes in that direction). There is limited parking at Lange Erlen that can fill up quickly.
Admission is free and no reservation is required. There will be a collection after the show to benefit the actors.


Park im Grünen
4142 Münchenstein

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