Kids’ Theater in Lange Erlen — Räuber Hotzenplotz & D’ Mondrakete

Park im Grünen
Mon., 01 July until Sat., 10 August
14:00 | 16:00

For the six weeks of school holidays, the children’s theater, Theater Arlecchino, will be performing the play entitled “Dr Räuber Hotzenplotz & D Mondrakete” (Robber Hotzenplotz and the Moon Rocket) at Lange Erlen in the pavilion in front of the Parkrestaurant.
Constable Dimpfelmoser is beside himself with excitement. The famous robber Hotzenplotz has escaped again! Not nice at all, because everyone knows: Hotzenplotz is the most dangerous robber in the land. Seppli and Käschpi have to catch the robber again. They have a great idea. They want to shoot him to the moon once and for all!
This production will be performed twice daily from Mondays to Saturdays at 14:00 and at 16:00, except on the Swiss National Day on August 1. The play will be performed in dialect and will last 55 minutes without intermission, and you are free to come and go as you please. The spectator area is covered and therefore not weather-dependent.
Admission is free and no reservation is required. There will be a collect after the show to benefit the actors.


Park im Grünen
4142 Münchenstein

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