Lange Nacht der Kirchen (Long Night of the Churches)

The "Long Night of the Churches" event wants to show what the church is all about, and at the same time encourage people to deal with the (also internal) "hot topics" that concern and touch people.
For years, the "Long Night of the Churches" has been held in countries like Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Estonia, where several hundred churches open their doors to the interested public. Since 2017, the "Long Night of the Churches" has been taking place in several cantons in Switzerland, and for the last edition in 2021, 470 participating parishes in Aargau, as well as Reformed and Catholic Churches in canton Bern, Jura, Solothurn, Baselland, Zurich, Zug and Graubünden, have participated in this event.
Tradition and experimentation, the familiar and the unfamiliar, the opportunity to have new experiences—everything has a place at the “Long Night of the Churches.” You will gain an insight into the churches’ involvement in social life today through social and charitable projects, oases of the search for meaning, platforms for the exchange of opinions and experiences, and visions of a better world.
On this evening, participating churches offer their visitors the opportunity to get in touch without obligation—either to get a quick taste of what's going on or to deal intensively with a topic. There will be a multitude of events and activities planned; check out the website, click on the canton of choice, and check the program for readings, art and light spectacles, music, film, theater, guided tours, talks, and activities specifically aimed at families, children, and teens. At most locations, the events start around 18:00.
Admission is free and no ticket or registration is required.