Mizmorin Chamber Music Festival. Exile — Two Alone
The Mizmorim Chamber Music Festival, which takes place in Basel from January 29 to February 2, 2025, is dedicated to the human theme of exile: 120 million people worldwide are on the run, 1.5% of the world's population are displaced persons. Jews have always been confronted with exile, emigration, diaspora, and galut (the forced life outside the "Promised Land" of Israel). Under the guiding principle of exile, Mizmorim presents around 30 artists and ensembles, two world premieres and several Swiss premieres.
For Mizmorim, the Israeli composer and composer in residence Hed Bahack wrote “sh'nayim levad (le'an?)” (“two alone (where?)”) for violin and viola. The work “October Sun” by Mark Kopytman looks back at the musician's beginnings in the Soviet Union, while Béla Bartók's “Contrasts” were written immediately before his emigration from Hungary to the United States. The pieces will be presented by Silke Gäng (vocals), Ilya Gringolts (violin), Lawrence Power (viola), Reto Bieri (clarinet), Ema Grčman (violoncello), and others.
Tickets are CHF 35.
Kunsthaus Baselland
Helsinki-Strasse 5
4142 Münchenstein