Neues Orchester Basel — Imagine a Better World
Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirchgemeinde Pratteln

© priska ketterer
Saturday, 22 March
Music that conveys courage and hope—everyone can contribute to making the world more humane and just. In this concert, the Neues Orchester Basel will present John Lennon's iconic peace anthem “Imagine” in their own orchestral arrangement. Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 4 reminded contemporary audiences of the myth of Orpheus, who could enchant the entire cosmos with his music. And Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 5 was once an actual peacemaker in a memorable performance. You will find out where and how at the concert.
Tickets are CHF 47 for adults, CHF 20 for students, and free for kids and teens.
Evangelisch-Reformierte Kirchgemeinde Pratteln
St. Jakobsstrasse 1
4133 Pratteln