Nolan Oswald Dennis — A Recurse 4 [3] Worlds.

Kunsthalle Basel
Ongoing Event
Sun., 01 October until Sun., 11 August

Nolan Oswald Dennis (*1988, Zambia) inaugurates a site-specific, monumental diagrammatic artwork spread across the back wall of Kunsthalle Basel (next to Elisabethenkirche). Built on discussions with physicists, geographers, and writers, the project employs mathematical abstractions, African fractal geometry, and other representational models to chart the systems, logics, and meta-histories of a world dependent on racialized, gendered, classed, and geographic exclusions. This new work borrows from various earth divination practices shared across the Sahara to reimagine a different African-European (dis)continuum. As Dennis’ first such artwork in a public space, the project is imagined as a tool for disorientation—a technical diagram offering viewers a method for reconsidering concepts of space, time, history, and possibility.


Kunsthalle Basel
Steinenberg 7
4051 Basel

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