Philharmonix — The Vienna Berlin Music Club

This unique ensemble brings together three members of the Vienna Philharmonic, two Berlin Philharmonic soloists, one of the most versatile Austrian pianists, and an improvising and singing violinist for a deliciously heady cocktail of classical, jazz, klezmer, Latin, even pop music ... and yes, good old fun. The hallmarks of the ensemble are brilliant arrangements, incomparable virtuosity, and the desire to make music together, which spreads to the audience in a matter of seconds.
The Golden Rule of the Philharmonix’ programs—anything goes, as long as it’s fun. Not everything in their program is classical, but everything has class! The Philharmonix’ sophisticated sense of humor allows them to move seamlessly from the sublime to the ridiculous and back, taking their audience along for a madcap roller-coaster ride… Classical music at its most refined can be a jolly good time.
Tickets are CHF 25-105.
Stadtcasino Basel
Konzertgasse 1
4051 Basel
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