Puppet Theater — Mother Hubbard Does Christmas

Mrs. Hubbard has brought the first snow to the country. The cold winter days are particularly hard on Muffel, the mountain hare. On his daily search for food, he not only meets Edwin, the snowman, but also Julie, a young woman who got lost in the area. She tells the rabbit that she is looking for a spool that she dropped into a well. Muffel leads them to the wise and mysterious Mother Hubbard. She welcomes them both with open arms because there is always a lot to do and she will be expecting important visitors soon, even Santa Claus is depending on her. Julie enjoys her time with Mother Hubbard, but after a while she gets homesick. Mother Hubbard accompanies her to a large gate through which she can get home. Just a few days later, Julie's stepsister Marie stands in front of Mother. Hubbard's house. She supposedly is also a capable assistant…
This play will be performed with string puppets and table figures and the Holla Carol Singers.
Tickets are CHF 20 for adults, CHF 15 for students and kids.
Basler Marionetten Theater
Münsterplatz 8
4051 Basel