Quartier Circus Bruederholz

Every summer, the Quartier Circus Bruederholz presents their circus by kids for kids. This circus started over 30 years ago, with three brothers who spent the summer in their garden in Bruderholz, putting together a small circus act to present to their friends. It has since developed into a large-scale circus where kids ages 7–18 can showcase their acts, including acrobatics, diabolo, high wire, juggling, and much more. They now have over 200 members as well as a small orchestra.
This year's program entitled "Glitzer Flitzer" takes the audience on a journey into an unexplored parallel universe. Three mad scientists build a car to travel to another planet, but after they arrive, its fuel comes to life and disappears. The scientists start a hectic search, because without fuel, they cannot return to our world. Along the way, they meet strange creatures, from colorful gorillas, fairies, and phoenixes to living crystals. They see breathtaking somersaults, magic moments, and captivating aerial acrobatics high up in the tent.
There are shows each evening as well as some matinées performances; check the website for details.
The performances will take place in their tent on the lawn by the water tower on the Bruderholz; take tram no. 16 or no. 15 to the "Bruderholz" terminus or bus no. 47 to the "Bedrettostrasse" stop.
Entrance is free, although donations after the show are accepted.
Wasserturm Bruderholz
Reservoirstrasse 200
4059 Basel