Santichlaus Ylüte im Stedtli Liestal (Ringing in Santa Claus)
Rathausstrasse Liestal

© wikipedia / kognita
Friday, 06 December
In Liestal, in a noisy tradition dating back to 1928, children gather in the late afternoon for a procession through the old town while loudly ringing small and large bells. The procession is led by Santichlaus, dressed in blue robes, and his helper Schmutzli. They are accompanied by the “Yfflen”—illuminated bishop’s hats that are either worn by older youth or carried on a wooden structure. This group is followed by the enthusiastic kids with their bells. At the end of the procession, all children receive a Grättimann. Meeting place is the Liestaler Allee (close to the train station and McDonalds) at 17:00; the procession ends around 17:45.
4410 Liestal