Sound Garden — Ay Wing Feat. Emilia Anastazja & Leonie Giesler

During the warm summer months, the rhythms and sounds of the Sound Garden will once again resound around the pavilion in the park of the Fondation Beyeler. Every Wednesday, visitors savoring the balmy evening air over a cool drink will get to enjoy the music of a line-up both regional and national, ranging from classical music to reggae and electropop. What better way could there be to while away those precious mid-week hours than with the varied program of this year’s “Sound Garden” in the relaxed atmosphere of the museum’s own park? Sound Garden will present great music every Wednesday from June 19 to September 25 (except August 14 and 21).
As an audiovisual artist from Switzerland, Ay Wing creates a fascinating fusion of neo-soul, R'n'B, and electropop with psychedelic synthesizers, powerful basses, and punchy drums. In her sensitive yet self-confident lyrics, the Berliner-by-choice grapples with themes of femininity and feminine energy, proving her creative power again and again. Together with the talented bassist Leonie Giesler of the Berlin fem*ergy collective and the Basel singer songwriter Emilia Anastazja and her sensual voice, the three artists invite you to spend an evening immersing yourself in their exhilarating sound world.
This event is free and no advanced booking is required.
Fondation Beyeler
Baselstrasse 101
4125 Riehen
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