Sports Market

Sport Basel is inviting kids and their families to the Basler Sportmarkt, where they can try from over 30 different sports under expert guidance—choose from badminton, boxing, chess, curling, fencing, figure skating, handball, hurling, ice hockey, judo, kickboxing, Korfball, Lacrosse, rhythmic gymnastics, Schwingen (a Swiss version of wrestling), slack lining, swimming, tap dancing, various martial arts, and more. The sports are offered either as workshops, in which kids and their parents, friends, and siblings can try out the sport for 45 minutes, or as continuous offers in which participants can join at any time. Just bring your sports clothes, clean indoor sports shoes, swim gear, sportsmanship, and curiosity.
Entrance and participation is completely free.
St. Jakobshalle
St. Jakobs-Strasse 390
4052 Basel
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