Sunday Matinée Concerts in the Merian Gärten

Merian Gärten

The Meriangärten (Merian gardens) are a little patch of heaven in Basel! Located between St. Jakob and Park im Grünen, these gardens consist of 18 hectares of green space, filled with valuable ornamental plant collections, splendid flower beds, useable plant gardens, a historic English garden, and a nature reserve—all combined into one special botanical garden. From June to August, you can also pamper your spirits with a Sonntagsmatinée concert—an entertaining and varied program of classical music from 11:00–11:45 on Sunday mornings in the Hofplatz Vorder Brüglingen (in the new barn in the event of rain). Visit their website for the exact program on each Sunday.
Entrance is free but there will be a collection.


Merian Gärten
Vorder Brüglingen 5
4052 Basel

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