Swan Lake — Classico Ballet Napoli

The first performance of “Swan Lake” in St. Petersburg in 1895 was a milestone in ballet history; the ballet has been performed on the best stages of the world ever since—with astonishing consistency. The phenomenon of the uninterrupted popularity and the audience interest of "Swan Lake" that has continued for centuries can be explained by the ingenious combination of its elements. The most famous and most performed ballet piece combines everything a perfect stage show needs—the heartbreaking love story, immortally beautiful music, and the dance language that tells this story with sophisticated lightness.
Now the classic can be seen in all its glory again, presented by the famous Classico Ballet Napoli from Italy, the cradle of classical ballet. You will experience a wonderful stage spectacle, lovingly preserved in a traditional way, but skillfully and carefully coordinated with a pinch of modern choreography and contemporary forms of expression. The best classical ballet training of the dancers is immediately apparent from the first scene. The romantic story of love and death is masterfully underlined by exquisitely designed sets and costumes, flawless choreography, and the skillful use of dancing skills by the ensemble with Italian love of beauty. A must for every ballet and culture lover, for all those who appreciate tradition but are also open to new artistic experiences!
Tickets are CHF 64.20-104.50 for adults and CHF 50.80-84.50 for youths and students.
Musical Theater Basel
Feldbergstrasse 151
4058 Basel
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