Theater — Kranke Hunde (Sick Dogs)
Schauspielhaus Theater Basel

© lucia hunziker
19:30 (18:30 on Sundays)
Poch is a successful racing dog. Then she suddenly keels over. The patient wakes up in the dog hospital, surrounded by a crowd of dog doctors. Diagnosis? Big question mark. Ariane Koch's play deals with our exhausted society and its healing. In the hospital, a parable of our world, the helpless Poch allows herself to be treated and therapized without ever finding out what is really wrong with her. A journey through a hospital full of absurdity and despair to the best medicine par excellence—laughter.
This comedic medical history by Ariane Koch will be performed in German with English surtitles.
Tickets are CHF 30-70.
Schauspielhaus Theater Basel
Steinentorgasse 7
4051 Basel
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