Theater — Molière. “Der eingebildete Tote” (The Imaginary Dead)

Molière suffered a violent hemorrhage while playing the role of the “Imaginary Invalid” on 17 February, 1673. What did the greatest theater-maker of his time experience at the moment of his death? Now, 350 years later, Antú Romero Nunes recreates the last long seconds of Molière's life as a fatal revue. Chilean playwright Nona Fernández has written a play for the Basel company based on archetypes from Molière's life and comedies: The masters—stingy, sick, and salacious. The servants—imaginative, industrious, and ill-treated. The ups and downs of a troupe of actors between intrigue and success, acceptance and refusal, triumph and defeat. This theater piece from the drinking hall to upper hall to burial hall will be performed in German with English surtitles.
Tickets are CHF 30-95 for adults and CHF 20 for youths and students.
Theater Basel
Theaterstrasse 7
4051 Basel