Time Out — Forest Bathing

Merian Gärten

This guided experience will take you on a gentle discovery of the sounds, smells, sights, and feels of nature—and of yourself. Slow down, be present and let yourself relax, learning new ways to support your own physical and mental health. This easy and quiet guided walk is inspired by the Japanese “shinrin-yoku”, meaning forest bathing. The program is a gentle, guided sensory experience which is designed to invite interactions with the environment while slowing down, awakening the senses, accepting the present moment and strengthening the relationship between yourself and nature. This mindful practice has been scientifically proven to promote wellbeing and stress-relief. Certified Forest and Nature Therapy Guide (by ANFT), Beáta Szablics will be leading this “Forest Bathing” session in English at the Merian Gärten; meeting point is at the Lehmhaus. Bring something comfortable to sit on and wear comfortable clothing (minimum age is 16). Hours are 17:30-19:00 in April, May, September, and October, and 18:30-20:00 in June, July, and August.
Cost is CHF 35 per session; register to join at yournatureanew@gmail.com or purchase your ticket directly through https://www.eventbrite.ch/e/forest-bathing-walk-auszeit-in-merian-garten-basel-tickets-750683022127?aff=oddtdtcreator.


Merian Gärten
Vorder Brüglingen 5
4052 Basel

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