Tobias Preisig — Closer
Since 2007, with a lot of volunteer commitment and passion, Piano di Primo has been organizing jazz concerts that enable artists of national and international importance to introduce the audience to tried and tested musical specialties and novel ideas. Enjoy the few events per year in the half-timbered Fachwerk Allschwil building (Allschwil Local History Museum) in the middle of the idyllic village center of Allschwil, and be sure to spoil yourself with selected wines, a cold beer, or non-alcoholic refreshments from the bar.
This evening’s program, “Closer,” is about closeness, warmth, and intimacy—about real community in a time when many things seem closer than they actually are. Violinist Tobias Preisig creates this engaging closeness on several levels. There is his violin, extremely close to the audience, which unfolds its full strength very close to the ear. A short, tangible pluck creates a thousand images in the mind, a magnificent close-up, a big zoom into the here and now. Preisig subtly integrates his immediate surroundings into the “Closer” sound cosmos using field recordings he has captured himself, such as the slow pulse of an empty street, the bubbling of a deserted pool, the chirping of a night. These sound snippets all create an extraordinary physical closeness. “Closer” is a great interplay of sound spaces and moods. But regardless of unexpected twists and turns, soundscapes and powerful outbursts, it also radiates an immense calm. It’s a closeness that can do everything, but never wants too much.
Tickets are CHF 38.
Fachwerk Allschwil
Baslerstrasse 48
4123 Allschwil