Tour — Jeff Wall

Fondation Beyeler
© jeff wall
15:00-16:00 (March) | 15:15-16:15 (April)

The Fondation Beyeler is devoting a comprehensive solo show to internationally acclaimed Canadian artist Jeff Wall (*1946). It is the first exhibition of such scope in Switzerland in close to two decades and has been developed in close collaboration with the artist. Wall, who since the late 1970s has contributed significantly to establishing photography as an autonomous medium, is regarded as the founder of “staged photography.” He mostly produces large-format photographs intricately and subtly composed from numerous individual takes—often inspired by scenes of daily life and by art history, his images are reminiscent of film stills. The exhibition brings together Wall’s famous large transparencies displayed in lightboxes alongside black-and-white photographs and color prints.
On this afternoon, there will be an English-language tour of the exhibit.
Cost is admission to the museum plus CHF 7.


Fondation Beyeler
Baselstrasse 101
4125 Riehen

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