“Triptych” at the Basler Marionetten Theater
The Basler Marionetten Theater will be presenting the Christmas tale “Triptych” with large-figure string puppets. It is the story of three odd men who decide to try their luck as the three Magi. Together, they travel the country and make an unusual encounter. In the following two years, each of them also experiences their personal miracle.
The show is in dialect and is suitable for ages 12 and up and lasts 120 minutes, including a break. This touching and timeless Christmas classic has been played since 1945.
Tickets are CHF 40 for adults, CHF 30 for kids and students, and can be purchased directly at the theater, through Ticketcorner, or at Bider & Tanner in person or online at https://www.biderundtanner.ch.
Basler Marionetten Theater
Münsterplatz 8
4051 Basel