Waldtage 2023 (Forest Days)

For those who like nature, and especially the woods, the “Waldtage” (forest days) will provide fascinating insights into the forests in this area of Switzerland. The event is organized by the forestry association of Basel-Stadt and Baselland every few years at a different location. This year, you can visit a specially prepared site with lots of attractions near Brislach (BL), with the principal theme being the products of the forest. Thus, they will explore the uses of wood, wood processing, wood use in construction, and wood as energy.
Another topic is "forest in transition." It is about the changes in the forest due to climate change, but also about changes that arise in connection with changed social needs. As you will see, our forest and its naturally renewable raw material wood are rightly the focus for four days!
You can walk along a marked trail with about 36 stations with activities and information booths covering everything from the soil to trees and animals that live in the woods; professions associated with forestry and the woods; hunting and wildlife; hiking trails and forest adventures; demonstrations how trees are cut down and processed; the many uses of wood; and lots of other topics related to the woods and forestry. Only if people appreciate the fascinating forest habitat and know what services the forest provides for the public are they willing to protect the forest and learn to take responsibility for their own actions.
All are invited to be there and to discover more about this fascinating place to live and work. There will also be plenty of food and drink, with food stalls and party tents open until 02:00 on Friday and Saturday night.
The walking circuit is open from 8:00–17:00 on Thursday and Friday, 9:00-17:00 on Saturday, and 9:00–16:00 on Sunday. There are also woodcarving competitions on Saturday and the "Pferderücken" competition (maneuvering tree trunks through an obstacle course with a horse) on Sunday.
It is best to arrive by public transport. There will be special busses from the Zwingen train station directly to the festival grounds. Check the website for an up-to-date schedule of the buses for this special event. If you choose to drive, parking is available for CHF 5 and the way from Brislach Dorf will be well-indicated.
Entrance to the event is free.
4225 Brislach