Free Play for Kids and Teens at Open Gyms in the Winter Months

© idée sport, christian jaeggi

Are you looking for ways your young kids can blow off steam in the winter months? Or perhaps your teen is looking for sportier alternatives to “hanging out/loitering” on weekend nights? Then look no further. From late October to March, some local schools open their sports halls on weekends to let kids play sports. These programs are sponsored by the Erziehungsdepartement des Kanton Basel-Stadt (Basel’s Education Department) and other organizations and are therefore free to the public and require no reservation or registration. There are three different programs—MiniMove for kids ages 2-5, Open Sunday for kids ages 6-12, and Midnight Sports for kids ages 12-17 or 12-25. To learn more about the individual program, dates, and locations, check out our article in the Sports and Recreation Section at
