Childcare in Basel for Expat Families

By Summit Education Switzerland

Making decisions about childcare in a foreign country can feel overwhelming, especially if you are arranging it while still living in another country and you do not (yet) speak the local language. Spending countless hours researching, reading forums, and trying to navigate the available options can be quite the challenge. If your family is relocating (or planning to relocate) to Basel, keep reading! This article provides an overview of the two most common forms of childcare in Switzerland.

The Statistics

In Switzerland, 62% of children under age 13 are enrolled in external childcare (familienergänzende Kinderbetreuung).

What Is a Kita?

In Switzerland, 36% of children are enrolled in daycare, commonly referred to as Kita. Kitas are private institutions that offer year-round care for infants starting at 3 months old. While some Kitas only cater to babies and toddlers, others also provide lunch, after-school, and holiday programs for older children. There are many Kitas in and around Basel, each with its own unique concepts and philosophy.

How to Find a Kita

For a list of licensed Kitas in Basel-Stadt, Riehen, and Bettingen, you can use the official directory at This user-friendly directory lets you search by:

For a list of licensed Kitas in Basel-Landschaft, click here.

What to Keep in Mind When Choosing a Kita

When choosing a Kita, there are some key factors to consider:

What Is a Daycare Family?

Daycare families are a recognized and well-established childcare concept in Switzerland. This unique form of childcare involves trained and certified caregivers providing personalized care in small groups of up to five children in their own home. Daycare families offer a family oriented, individual, and flexible childcare solution.

Daycare families are led by a caregiver, known as a “day mother” (Tagesmutter) or a “day father” (Tagesvater). They open their homes to look after a mixed group of babies, toddlers, and children attending kindergarten or primary school, adopting an extended family philosophy. Children are often cared for together with the family’s own children, called “day siblings” (Tagesgeschwister).

How to Find a Daycare Family

Most daycare families are affiliated with regional organizations that provide support to both caregivers and parents. In Basel-Stadt, Riehen, and Bettingen, the Waisehuus facilitates daycare family placement. In Basel-Landschaft, there are several local daycare family organizations.

What to Keep in Mind When Choosing a Daycare Family

You can find more information about all of the available forms of childcare in the Basel region, as well as costs, finding a nanny or babysitter, German-language programs, the Swiss school system, and so much more, in the book entitled “Childcare in Switzerland : The Basel Area Edition.” Published in July 2024 and available on Amazon, this book was put together by a group of parents who wanted to share their knowledge and experiences to help families feel more confident in their decision-making process.

About the Authors: Summit Education Switzerland is a group of parents who have relocated internationally several times and therefore know first-hand that exploring childcare options or finding a new school in a foreign country can feel overwhelming. They understand that finding the best childcare or school for your child is one of the most important decisions you make as parents when preparing to move abroad. They started Summit Education with the goal of informing families about everything they need to know about the available local, private, and international options, helping them choose the best childcare or school in Switzerland.
