Pick Your Own Fruits and Vegetables
While supermarkets nowadays offer almost all fruits and vegetables year-round, the quality and taste often cannot compare to those directly harvested from the garden or freshly picked from a tree. Of course, not everybody has the luxury of a garden or the inclination to spend hours upon hours tending to fruit and vegetable beds. Fortunately, numerous pick-your-own farms in Switzerland allow for a convenient compromise—you get freshly harvested products with all the great taste but without the work (other than the picking…).
The file below (first published in Basel Life Magazine in May 2020), lists some of those farms close to Basel, as well as a few further afield that are worth the trip for the variety of products they offer. Many additional farms all over Switzerland are listed at https://www.selberpfluecken.ch/. While it is still a bit early for most fruits and vegetables (the main season starts around mid- to late-May), you may already find some asparagus fields where you can harvest this local delicacy. Enjoy!