Family Concert — Lydia

St. Pauluskirche

Lydia Koidula—the story of this woman who lived in the 19th century is known to just about everyone in Estonia. Her songs are still sung today by young and old. But who is this woman? Who was this girl who worked as her father's assistant at an Estonian newspaper at the age of 14, at a time when German and Russian were still predominantly spoken in Estonia? The Sinfonieorchester Basel wants to tell the story of Lydia, a young woman who actively and courageously stood up for her convictions, built bridges to other people and cultures, and always stood up for self-determination and freedom. Together with students, the Sinfonieorchester Basel will present her songs and immerse themselves in the moving history of Estonia—a country that had to fight long and hard for its right to self-determination and independence.
Tickets are CHF 20 for adults, CHF 10 for youths under age 16, and CHF 35 for families with two adults and two kids.


St. Pauluskirche
Steinenring 20
4051 Basel

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